Our Stories

Incoming first-year students rock out on August 23 during a silent disco in the courtyard at the FAC. Photo by Jamie Cotten

Captain Isaac Becker ’17 and other Blue Angels pilots with Professor Mike Taber ’86 and his wife, Kara Taber ’85 on August 16. Photo provided by Mike Taber.

Prof. Yogesh Chandrani observes a piece of art at the opening of ALHAMDU | MUSLIM FUTURISM at the FAC, Friday, Sept. 13. Photo by Parker Seibold

Families attend "Sweet Sendoffs," where goodbyes and Sasquatch cookies were had. Photo by Jamie Cotten/ Colorado College

Michaela Kabat ’26, Ami Piburn ’27, and Kieran Blood, a CC alum, mingle and roast marshmallows at the first-ever Campus Sleep-Out on Friday, Sept. 13. Photo by Parker Seibold/Colorado College

Families attend "Sweet Sendoffs," where goodbyes and Sasquatch cookies were had. Photo by Jamie Cotten/ Colorado College

Incoming first-year students celebrate the end of NSO week. Photos by Jamie Cotten / Colorado College

Families attend "Sweet Sendoffs," where goodbyes and Sasquatch cookies were had. Photo by Jamie Cotten/ Colorado College
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Last updated: 08/25/2024